Onion is the essential taste giver in some of your favorite
dishes. But, did you ever think of using it topically to treat your
acne? Perhaps, you're frowning at the very thought of it! Yes, it makes
you cry and is not a pleasant smelling thing to apply on your face, but
you're sure to disregard that drawback, once you understand that it's
pretty much effective in treating acne scars. Now that you're keen on
learning that magic formula, let's get into the details!
are the positive attributes of onion to help your skin? It has
antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that have helped in
treating some internal ailments. From something as simple as fixing your
appetite, to reducing the risk of colon cancer, onion has remarkable
medicinal properties. Onion juice is known to give positive results in
treating scar tissue and also influences collagen production. But,
before you begin to treat your acne scars, make sure that your acne is
under control. There are several ways to control your acne, be it
applying topical lotions or adopting an acne diet. Treating from inside
out is always better.
Acne scars generally appear in two forms -
raised over the skin, and depressed, i.e. saucer-shaped. They form when
damaged skin layers under the epidermis, i.e. the outermost skin layer,
result in the production of excessive collagen fibers, which in turn,
disturb the skin pattern and show as scars. Onion extract controls
collagen production and is particularly useful in clearing keloid scars -
a type of scar caused by collagen buildup over acne, resulting in a
raised area. At the same time, onion extract stimulates collagen
production when applied on depressed scars, making the skin more
resilient and reducing the depth of the saucer-like scars.
onion mask effectively heals your acne scars. Grind one peeled
medium-sized onion in your food processor to make a paste, and mix it
with 3 tablespoons of oatmeal that is already softened by pouring
boiling water over it and keeping aside for five minutes. Make sure that
the oatmeal is still warm. You may also add honey if it is not thick
enough. Apply it on your face, leave for five minutes and rinse off with
warm water. The mix will stay fresh for a week in your refrigerator.
Alternatively, mix a tablespoon each of onion juice, carrot juice and
olive oil with the yolk of one egg. Apply the mix on your face and wash
after 20 minutes. It has a noticeable toning effect.
The brownish
acne marks left behind by pimples eventually fade, but they are also
likely to become stubborn scars. You must remember that squeezing or
picking your pimples increases the risks of scarring. Acne scar
treatment depends on the extent of your scars. Severe scars may require
the intervention of a dermatologist, who may suggest remedies, ranging
from the simple chemical peel to the expensive and complex laser
resurfacing. So, if you wish to take a wise approach, it's important to
understand that acne is chronic, starting at puberty and continuing into
adulthood. Whatever natural acne remedies you try, make sure that
you're committed and consistent!
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